"When we can no longer dream, we die" -Emma Goldman

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Curse of the Hopeless Romantic

I keep watching all these romantic comedies and I see these perfect guys,
you know the ones: attractive, funny, cute, rough around the edges, witty, etc,
and I can't help but wonder if my need to find my leading man is what's making me alone.
If trying to put him into all these categories is what's making me alone.
If wanting him to be the perfect guy for me is what's making me alone.
Maybe I'm right, in which case, I need some Ben & Jerrys.
But maybe I'm wrong and my perfect guy does exist...I don't know. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore...
If my perfect guy is out there, then I'm never going to stop looking.
I'm never going to settle for anything less than the attractive, funny, cute, rough around the edges, witty, etc, man comes along and sweeps me off my feet and we ride off into the sunset together.
And here's a message to my perfect guy (c/o the universe):
I'll see you there and I'll be the one with the goofy smile on.

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